Indiscrete Combinatorial System

...philosophy is for robots

Monday, May 02, 2005

Special Pig

Thinking about Boy Scouts made me remember my old Scout Leader "Stuffer" MacDougal. I remember going over to his house with my dad back when Stuffer first became Scoutmaster. He had a lot of animals including one very old and fat pig. Something else of note about this pig was that he had only three legs. Stuffer treated this pig like a family pet. It begged for scraps under the kitchen table and slept at the foot of his bed. My dad didn't say anything about it, but I was young and curious so I asked Stuffer why he let this pig have the run of his house.

Stuffer said that they had some bad wiring in the house that started a fire a couple of years ago. Because the wiring fed the smoke alarms the MacDougal family continued to sleep blithely as the house filled with smoke. The pig, however, came in through the dog door and grunted loudly at the snoozing Stuffer, waking him in time to save his wife, children and most of his house. Clearly this was a special pig.
"Why does he only have three legs then?" I asked.
"Well, a pig that special you don't eat all at one time."


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