military man
Now I can't say that I've been in the United States Army (too flat-footed and short-sighted) nor have been in the Kiss Army (they were already bloated capitalists by the time i was old enough) but I was in one very important military organization. The army of Cobra.
I remember the abandoned inner-city jungle gym we used as our base camp and the chatter of our Cambodian knock-off AK-47s as we target practiced on empty cans of Keystone Light. I remember my Sergeant, Ol' Sarge we called him, taking all of us to McDonalds for drive through. Ol' Sarge let us get anything we wanted, as long as it was off of the dollar menu and we got a water to drink. Also he made us holler, "COBRA!!" at the top of our lungs right into the loudspeaker. Sometimes he made us mow the lawn too. Then I got my CPA and we kind of headed our separate ways.
SKELETOR!!! That's what us Clowns yell while we pump round after round into rookie Americans playing Battlefield Vietnam.
johnolsen, you're a f'ing crackpot, man...lay off the snow.
Yeah, that KISS army thing wasn't all it was cracked up to be. This one guy, I think he was a guy, anyway, tried to make this goat hump me. He said, "Trust me, young man, this is what Satan wants. You do want to be a member of Knights In Satan's Service...don't you?"
More than anything...
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